Thursday, November 20, 2008


funny pic of the week
yall already know the story behind this chain. what you don't know is how it really start.
in seattle. as requested on the proof i asked for a pic with this chain offering top hood dollar and-
*self snitch alert self snitch alert* oh, i've said too much lol.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The passion of the Coz

Thats right young African Americans, the only known black member of the klu klux klan is back at it again, this time in my town of seattle washington for a radio interview on urban music station Kube93. Klu Klux Coz wasted no time transitioning the historic election of Barack Obama as no thanks to the young blacks who voted (despite being shown as the lead reason he was elected) and was quick to name a few fellow comedians (jamie foxx for one) as being clowns and fools. The more and more i watch this renegade negro the more I am reminded of Adolf Ceaser's character from the film "Soldier Story". The black military leader and hero of both world wars who had a warped mentality of what black acceptance really was. The key difference between these two however is that while Ceaser's character was an accomplished war heroe with a huge miscalculation of how the world works, Bill Cosby-excuse me, "Dr. Bill Cosby (who as Cornell West put it "Doesn't understand that the Doctrate was an honorary"), is simply an entertainer who at one time (not now) was admired and followed by a great deal of african americans. now most young blacks known him only as the angry black man who hates young blacks. oh and also as the guy that was preaching that we didn't know how to have honor and dignity in our homes up until he got caught with a love child on the side.
Have a coke and a smile! (and shut the fuck up).
you can hear streaming sound of this fool by going to

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The rebels of 206 hiphop now have an official blog. the news events and trash talk shall be aplenty we assure (all in good fun of course). for those that wonder "i hear a track here and a track there, but when the hell are they gonna job something official!?" i say SHUT UP!!!
naw seriously, with this you will see why we are taking our sweet time with dropping singles and albums. Quality > Quanity people. At least with this you will know when something is coming.